Niagara Analytics

When devices and systems communicate, they produce useful data. WEBs-N4 Analytics takes that data and helps you manage buildings better than ever.

By using these features, you'll improve the efficiency and reliability of your systems, leading to smoother operations and happier occupants.

Unlock the Power of Analytics

Niagara Analytics boosts HVAC control and energy efficiency. Made by Honeywell, you’ll get real-time info to improve your operations. It's advanced analytics made simple.

Stay Ahead of Energy Efficiency

The data from your devices turns into useful insights, helping you to spot and fix problems before they get big. It also predicts maintenance needs and suggests ways to make your buildings work better.

Simplify Your HVAC Control

Niagara Analytics is built on familiar technology you already know. There's no new programming to learn. It’s also an open system that works well with other apps and devices.

Smarter Building Optimization

Make better decisions with clear insights. You’ll take action based on real conditions and manage your buildings more simply than ever before.